Changes come slow for elves, especially for an overworked little spaz living in a remote wizard’s tower. Fifle’s Crusade is a tale of how one elf finds that occasionally changes come all at once. Fifle struggles to keep her wits in a country recovering from plague and war, superstition, and zealotry. As the world wakes up from a dark age so must Fifle find her place within it. As the fate’s tide comes in, she finds her friends, her indomitable humor, a visiting wisp, and a few memorized lines of bad poetry are the best flotation devices to have at her disposal. Fifle’s Crusade is the first serial illustrated novel in the ongoing saga of the Knights Irrelevant. Updates in these chronicles will appear chapter by chapter, while patrons will receive weekly updates and more!
(Themes can be mature… there are naughty bits and situations call for a questionable metaphor here and there.)